Friday, December 3, 2010

Proto Resources & Investments LtdShs

DGAP-News: Proto Resources & Investments Ltd:. Progress on Barnes Hill, new exploration area in the region Doolgunna
Proto Resources & Investments Ltd. / Keyword (s): Interim Report / Preliminary Results

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 22. November 2010. Proto Resources & Investments Ltd. (TSX: A0LBT8, ASX: PRW) (short 'Proto Resources' THE COMPANY' or) has for the main project Banes Hill set the locations for dieVerarbeitungsanlagen and includes a back row from angeotechnischen tests. The nickel-cobalt project is located near Barnes Hill Beaconsfield in the Australian state of Tasmania. DerTransport of the first large samples to the laboratory at Evans Head will also begin indieser week to comply with the planning for the leaching process and diePilotanlage.

Proto Australia has lodged a further application for an exploration license in derDoolgunna region of the Australian state of Western. The new license area is located in a region of Australia vonWestern with known ore deposits, as dieDeGrussa deposit of sand Fire Resources NL (ore resources derKategorie 'Showing' and 'derived' [Indicated & Inferred] 10.67 million tons with 5 , 6% copper, 1.9 g / t gold and 15 g / t silver) and dieMagellan-lead mine of Ivernia Inc. (ore resource of type 'Gemessen'und' Showing '[Measured & Indicated] of 22, 1 million tonnes grading 4.8% lead).


- The sites have been defined for the processing plants on Barnes Hill. Current tests are required of the geotechnical Integritätzur of operation of the mine conducted.

- The transportation of the first large-scale samples to the laboratory in Evans Head will start this week, thus the planning for the leaching process and diePilotanlage met.

- A request for a new exploration license area (E69/2872) in derDoolgunna region of Western Australia was made. This new extended the license of exploration properties in Proto Resources requested nor site on five licenses cover an area of 409Quadratkilometern together.

- The company estimates that the new license area, which is 75 kmnordwestlich of Wiluna may contain rocks that are similar to the known copper-gold and lead ore deposits in the region housed. All five license applications in areas of the company nor site are within the Yerrida basin, which originates from demErdzeitalter the Paleoproterozoic basement.

Processing plants on Barnes Hill and processing of bulk samples

The Directors (similar to: Boards of Directors) of Proto Resources announce that BarnesHill the planning and testing for the main project nearing completion. Proto Resources has recently finalized the locations forthe processing systems, and includes current as of the letztengeotechnischen exams that test the integrity of the planned detention basins, which are inTasmanien for mining near Beaconsfield required.

The design of the site is optimized so that the interference with the Umweltminimiert and the control of storage areas for ore most flexible design is an additional fresh water pools provide the Wasserfür the processing system provides. The geotechnical work program included the implementation of drilling and geotechnical Aushebungendurch a local, Tasmanian subcontractors. This work werdendie suitability of the site for the required infrastructure undErdarbeiten verify. This is an important part of the now completed development and environmental planning to be 'Development Proposaland Environmental Management Plan' for the planned mining and the Nickel and cobalt ore production at Barnes Hill. Proto Resources is pleased to forward the project to this stage of development to haben.Barnes Hill, the second metal producing mine near Beaconsfieldsein.

The transport of the first large-scale samples to the laboratory at Evans Head will also begin. This transport will comply with the planning for the leaching process and diePilotanlage, which are set up for the Barnes Hill ore wurde.Insgesamt 7 tons of ore in this first pilot phase processes. DerTransport the first set of samples will take place this week. Dasausgewählte material is representative of the ore from the planned mining sector. The metallurgical leaching and processing will allow an accurate adjustment of processing, in particular Aufdi concentration of reagents and extraction of salable magnesium and iron from the nickel-cobalt ore from Barnes Hill.

This first large sample was obtained from previous Aircore drilling, dieals remaining holes on Barnes Hill were carried out. Also have been approved nunBohrungen, the ore from the higher-grade saprolite zone are to win. These holes are drilled at a greater distance to each other and performed as a back-flush drilling. This work sindvon Mineral Resources Tasmania has been approved. The subcontractor fürdiese holes will make within 7 to 10 days after the conclusion of another obligation on the way to the site.

Proto Resources also sent samples of the iron oxide layer vonBarnes Hill to Evans Head. These iron-oxidation layer is anmehreren points above the saprolite zone that hosts the ore on Barnes Hill. Proto Resources is confident that an upgrade will be of this overburden an additional source of income. The analytical review of a potential Level upgrade these iron-oxide layer wirdmit an investigation of the potential benefits of choice and start a washing gravel of different sizes.

Request for a new exploration license in Western Australia

Proto Resources also announced that the company has applied for a further exploration license over an area of 52 square kilometers in size derDoolgunna region northwest of Wiluna in Western Australia (see Figure 1). The area is colloquially known as Doolgunna region and consists of the geological basin Bryah, Padburyund Yerrida. This region of Western Australia is almost completely granted and applied for exploration licenses covering. The newly added beantragteExplorationsgebiet the four previously proposed exploration areas on 11 given in October 2010 were known, and extends the gesamtenbeantragten exploration areas of the company to 409 square kilometers.

The new license areas are located within mafischesVulkangestein desYerrida Basin, which is part of the era of the Paleoproterozoic basement rocks of the Paleoproterozoic basement stammt.Zum mapped intrusions and the Killara Formation and sedimentary rock, sandstone and desFinlay Juderina and Maraloou-Fomationen.

The proposed exploration license E69/2872 area is 75 kmnordwestlich of Wiluna along the eastern boundary of the Basin Yerrida Roadund existing rail routes provide easy access to Lizenzgebietzum purpose of exploration. The Western Australian Geological Survey has found both mapping in the field a few clues (any escaping to the surface ore). Currently, combined historical exploration work on the new exploration area. This information thus obtained is conveyed planning to support the initial exploration. This work includes ina first phase probably geological mapping, geophysical andmini ig extraction of soil samples and interpretation. THE COMPANY will continue to talk about his expectations regarding the development and exploration projects in the near future.

Note to ore resources

The information about resources Degrussa the deposit of sand taken from derPressemitteilung Fire Resources NL of 3 September 2010. DieInformationen of resources of the Magellan lead project are from a presentation by Magellan Metals - a complete Tochtergesellschaftvon Ivernia Inc. - of 7 October 2009. It was a cut-off content (= raw material content, above which the degradation is considered to be worthwhile) of 2.5% of lead used in the calculation.

The information in this press release, insofar as it relates aufExplorationsergebnisse based on information compiled by HerrnAndrew Jones. He is a member of the 'Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy' and a full-time employee of TasExGeological Services Pty Ltd. He has sufficient experience which relevantfür the particular type of mineralization under consideration and each case is betrachteteLagerstätte. He has sufficient experience which is relevant to dietary as he does, to be considered a qualified person under '2004 derRechtsvorschrift Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting ofExploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.'' HerrAndrew Jones consents to the inclusion of information in the Pressemitteilungin the form and context in which they appear.

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