Friday, December 3, 2010

european commodities are depleting

Article Pictures (1) Brussels. Anyone who produces, requires commodities. This applies to the industry in the EU as elsewhere. But compared to many other regions of the world, the EU countries only few resources to promote themselves

Explore the buildings of closed buildings and dig through landfills, the Europeans grabbed the gold fever. The investigation is actually for precious metals and rare commodities. Reason: Since China has announced to reduce the export quotas for commodities continues, could lead to a dangerous bottleneck. For high-tech products like cell phones and solar panels can not be without the minerals produced. The EU Commission is therefore on high alert. A common approach is to solve the supply problem. But internal disputes, have been prevented.

Whether cobalt for the production of batteries or germanium for the production of fiberglass cables: Already this spring, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht warned of a shortage of raw materials. From a total of 41 substances examined, the Belgian attested at 14, a critical supply situation. This addition to the so-called rare earths for LEDs include gallium, indium for screen production and platinum for fuel cells.

Dredging on a large scale

The extraction of raw materials is now largely automated. Mining companies want to really get away from the hand that makes the work of the miners safer - but ehöht the risk of pollution.

"Good luck comes, the Steiger" Herbert Grönemeyer sings at gigs like the Ruhr, and the whole concert hall with singing. The pot is mine and miners' songs, like the song Steiger still present, although the former is of dozens of coal mines, only a handful in operation. The mining industry will disappear from the precinct. What remains Mining romance and cultural monuments like the Zollverein.

Elsewhere, the material degradation of romantic swan songs away. In 2008, companies promoted worldwide nearly 16 billion tons of raw materials, building materials such as sand and gravel excluded. Most of whom make fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, the second largest item are iron ore and steek alloying agents such as nickel and cobalt. About half of it is mined in Asia. The amount of the extracted commodities has been increasing for decades in order to meet the growing needs of industrial and emerging countries. This is only possible by ever larger and more powerful machines.

African Metals Corporation completed Luisha exploration project

African Metals Corporation completed Luisha South Project's first 8-core drilling and samples sent; holes go weiter03.12.10 | 10:54 clock

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2. December 2010. African Metals Corporation (OTCBB: 912 759, TSX Venture Exchange: AFR) reports on the state of the drilling activities on its projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

DGAP-News: African Metals Corporation / Keyword (s): Progress report African Metals Corporation completed Luisha South Project's first 8-core drilling and samples sent; holes go

03.12.2010 / 10:54

Proto Resources & Investments LtdShs

DGAP-News: Proto Resources & Investments Ltd:. Progress on Barnes Hill, new exploration area in the region Doolgunna
Proto Resources & Investments Ltd. / Keyword (s): Interim Report / Preliminary Results

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 22. November 2010. Proto Resources & Investments Ltd. (TSX: A0LBT8, ASX: PRW) (short 'Proto Resources' THE COMPANY' or) has for the main project Banes Hill set the locations for dieVerarbeitungsanlagen and includes a back row from angeotechnischen tests. The nickel-cobalt project is located near Barnes Hill Beaconsfield in the Australian state of Tasmania. DerTransport of the first large samples to the laboratory at Evans Head will also begin indieser week to comply with the planning for the leaching process and diePilotanlage.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cobalt before price explosion?

Do you know how cobalt get its name? No? Console yourself, until recently, I knew not yet. In the Middle Ages thought the miners, cobalt was bewitched by goblins in worthless rock silver or copper, because it is confused in its natural ore the two metals to the leaves look similar, but foul odors when heated. Today we know better of course. Especially now, no one gets the idea to look at the raw material to be worthless. After all, the prices in the past twelve months have almost doubled and the "bull market" could well go a bit.

Soaring demand

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Norilsk Nickel increases in the first half production of metals

Norilsk Nickel increases in the first half production of metals
30.07.2010 19:59

MOSCOW, 30 July (RIA Novosti). The Russian non-ferrous and precious metals producer Norilsk Nickel increased its output of nickel in the first half of 2010 over the previous year by three percent to 145 400 tonnes.

The company said on Friday in Moscow. The production of copper was in the reporting period by two percent to 199.1 thousand tons, of palladium by ten percent to 1.5 million ounces of platinum and has grown by 14 percent to 358,000 ounces, it was said.

Norilsk Nickel is one of the world's largest producers of non-ferrous and precious metals. In the company accounts for more than 20 percent of global production of nickel, more than ten percent of cobalt and three percent of copper production. In Russia, the Group controls 96 percent of the production of nickel, 55 percent copper and 95 percent of cobalt.

Of 25 percent of the shares are held by Interros conglomerate of billionaire Vladimir Potanin and aluminum company RUSAL the oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cobalt material

COBALT AND COBALT ALLOYS. A white metal, Co, resembling nickel
but with a bluish tinge instead of the yellow of nickel. It is rarer and
costlier than nickel, and its price has varied widely in recent years.
Although allied to nickel, it has distinctive differences. It is more
active chemically than nickel. It is dissolved by dilute sulfuric, nitric,
or hydrochloric acid and is attacked slowly by alkalies. The oxidation
rate of pure cobalt is 25 times that of nickel. Its power of whitening
copper alloys is inferior to that of nickel, but small amounts in nickelcopper
alloys will neutralize the yellowish tinge of the nickel and
make them whiter. The metal is diamagnetic like nickel, but has

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cobalt ore markets

The 2009 Import and Export Market for Cobalt Ores and Concentrates in EuropeOn the demand side, exporters and strategic planners approaching the market in Europe face a number of questions. Which countries are supplying cobalt ores and concentrates to Europe? What is the dollar value of these imports? How much do the imports of cobalt ores and concentrates vary from one country to another in Europe? Do exporters serving the market in Europe have similar market shares across the importing countries? On the supply side, Europe also sells to the international market of cobalt concentrate and ores. Which countries in Europe supply the most exports

Thursday, January 28, 2010

sellers of cobalt ore

Sellers of Cobalt ore are wanted. We are looking for sellers of cobalt ore. If you are an genuine seller of cobalt ore, please make contact at cobalt sellers wanted.